Best Way to Learn English Online

With the many Internet sites offering free instruction in English, there is a world of opportunity to help you learn English on line. You can browse the sites to find the one that is best for you or use several sites in combination with each other to take full advantage of all the possibilities. You do have to start off by learning the English alphabet and the sounds associated with each letter. This is how English speaking children start their learning. Once you know the alphabet, then you can start combining letters and sounds to make words and sentences.
Many of the on line sites for learning English assume that you already have this knowledge. You do need to look for one that offers this basic instruction before you move into lessons about grammar. It is essential in your search for an online English learning site that you choose a site that has listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction. These four aspects of the language work together and help you become fluent in the language.

There are on line sites designed for children as well as adults. Even the adult sites contain games to enhance the learning and the importance of playing games should not be overlooked. They make learning fun and while playing the games you do gain very important information about English vocabulary and word usage. Songs, too, are important. Music is a universal language and once you find a catchy tune and learn the words, you will find yourself singing this song while you are engaged in some other activity in your daily life.

Listen to English speakers as much as possible. This means watching television in English that has subtitles, so that you can understand what the characters are saying. Listening exercise offered on the on line site are very beneficial in that they give you an opportunity to listen to native English speakers. In this way you get the proper pronunciation of the words and you can practice any words with which you are having difficulty.
When you take online lessons, you can set your own schedule. You can review the lessons as often as you need to and take and retake the quizzes until you feel comfortable that you know the concept inside out. With learning any language, the important thing is that you learn to think in that language. At first you will find yourself translating the English into your own language, but as you proceed in your lessons this will start to decrease and you will find yourself thinking in English more and more.
In order to study at a college or university in an English speaking country, you will have to write an essay and pass the TOEIC or TOEFL exam. When you take an online course, you will get help with both of these and be able to succeed in your endeavours. For help with the exams, for example, there are practice tests and you get your score right away so that you can go back and review the questions you got wrong.

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